an affilate of:
Matrix Dry Needle
Physical Therapy, LLC
Est. 2007
Dry Needling, Physical Therapy, and Acupuncture
Cincinnati Dry Needle
"Fascial" Dry Needling is a higher form of dry needling, yielding better measurable outcomes and more comfort for the patient. It was started in Cincinnati by Kyle A. Danemayer, MPT, TDN, RMT, GRT, CST.
“Even though I held a previous dry needling certification, the Fascial Dry Needling workshop greatly broadened my perspective and gave me new ways to better serve my patients with a needle.” – Sarah Cline, PT
The introductory workshop will begin to broaden your perspective on the intricate network of tissue called the Fascia. You will be carefully instructed on how to see, feel and understand the human body in a whole new way. Traditional Dry Needling will be explored with a through explanation of the Fascial Dry Needling difference. You will learn how to properly diagnose by "listening" to the Fascia and following the body's tissue patterns. Basic needling procedures will be thoroughly demonstrated for many areas of the body so you will be confident to practice immediately. Intramuscular electrical stimulation through the needles will be introduced and demonstrated. Emphasis is placed on proper technique and safety. The lung field and more advanced procedures will be explored in levels two and three.
This elite series of Fascial Dry Needling workshops are designed to teach treatments for patients with enigmatic and myofascial pain disorders. The classes meet from Friday (12-8p.m.) to Saturday (8a.m.-5p.m.) and are deliberately kept smaller than other Dry Needling courses to ensure a better hands-on experience. Following successful completion of a written examination, each participant will also receive an official Certificate to Practice allowable under the rules and regulations of individual state licensure boards.
Target Audience: MDs, DOs, NDs, DDSs, DCs, PTs, OTs, MSTs, RPhs, PAs, NPs, ATCs, and Acupuncturists
Register to secure a date
Class Size: 1-5 participants
Individual: $1,250
Group: $1,150 each
($700 for non-needlers)
Kyle Danemayer, PT, a 18 year veteran physical therapist, was the first to Dry Needle in the Cincinnati Tri-State area more than a decade ago. Since that time, he has evolved the procedure to include the myofascial network system, called Fascial Dry Needling. With a strong orthopedic background, training in Craniosacral and Energy medicines, education in Applied Kinesiology/TCM, and an ministry ordainment, Mr. Danemayer needles in a novel, gentle, and intuitive manner that yields unparalleled results.
The Facility
In 2013, Mr. Danemayer started working within Family Tree Chiropractic and Wellness, a holistic care center owned by Dr. Gregory Pitman. The Family subscribes to a multidisciplinary model with a common mission to restore the patient’s own, natural God-given ability to heal.
For more details and a course syllabus